
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Modify DIY: Floral Cardigan

So this was a long sleeve cardigan type thingy. Simply black, and longer in the front than in the back. All I did to the front was to cut the sleeves to about elbow length, and then I gathered the fabric up in one point to create like a "V" shape, as you can see. It's just a nice little trick that can add some detail. :) 

This is where it gets interesting! So what I did is I cut the back out of the cardigan but left the very top and sleeves attached. Then I used the fabric that I had cut as a guide for the shape to cut out of the new, floral fabric. Then I sewed the floral fabric back to where the original had been cut out of. The next step was to hem the bottom. Lastly, I ended up making a border of about an inch of fabric at the very top, to add a bit more detail, and boom!!! Instant awesome! One more thing is that the fabric is folded over a bit in the middle to add a bit of waviness to it. 

P.S. Sorry I have been absent in my postings, I have just been super duper busy, but I have plenty in store for you lovely people, so stay tuned, and tell your friends! 

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