
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Modify DIY/From Scratch: Sequin Hat - White Hat

Before/After #4:
Ok so a bit of a long story for this hat. Remember that jacket two posts down? So this hat, comes from that extra foot of fabric at the bottom that I cut away. Story time! So I was at a party and they were handing out this sequined, cheap, blue hats. I liked the shape of it, but of course I would never wear it seriously. So, I took two hats. I took one hat apart by using a seam-ripper to take apart the seams. After I took apart all the pieces, I had a pattern! Yay! Next, I cut the pattern pieces out of the extra fabric from the jacket. I used the second hat to see how all the pieces fit back together, while I used a sewing machine/hand sewed the pieces together. I also used the cardboard for the rim from the first sequined hat, as well as the little button thing. 

After Inside:
So another thing I took from the original sequin hat was the lining that hides all the ugly seams. 
The last touch was to add a circle of elastic band to keep it on my head. You can't see it because I sewed some fabric over it to hide it, but believe me, it's there! 

Before = Ugly
After = B-E-A-utiful! 

It's a Match!
Remember the jacket? Here's the match! :D

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